Recent publications
- "An Emergence Theory of Religion," Journal of the American Academy of Religion (under review).
- “Ordinary Religious Disagreement,” Religious Studies (under review).
- "Liturgical Groups, Religions, and Social Ontology," in Aaron Simmons, Bruce Benson, and Neal DeRoo, eds, Liturgies: Philosophical Explorations of Embodied Religious Practice (Oxford, in press).
- "Naturalism and Philosophy of Religion" in Gereon Kopf, ed., What Paths? Which Summit? A Multi-Entry Approach to Philosophy of Religion (Bloomsbury, in press).
- "Committing Theology in the Secular Academy," in F. LeRon Shults and Robert C. Neville, eds, Religion in Multidisciplinary Perspective (SUNY Press, 2022).
- "The Concept of Religion," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (forthcoming, 2021)
- "Critique vs. Evaluation in Post-colonial Philosophy of Religion," Journal of the American Academy of Religion 89:2 (June 2021): 213-20.
- "Parts Behave Differently in Wholes," Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 15:4 (Fall 2021).
- “Embodied Moral Inquiry,” in William Schweiker et al, eds, The Encyclopedia of Religious Ethics (Wiley-Blackwell, 2021).
- "Religious Practices and the Formation of Subjects," in David Eckel, ed., The Future of Philosophy of Religion (Springer, 2020).
- "A Metaphysics for the Study of Religion," Critical Research on Religion 8:1 (April 2020): 87-100.
- "Hospitality and the Ethics of Religious Diversity," Religious Studies 56:1 (March 2020): 64-79.
- "Spiritual Values for those without Eternal Life," Sophia 58:4 (December 2019): 753-59.
- "A Philosophical Analysis of Interrituality,” in Marianne Moyaert, ed., Interreligious Relations and the Negotiation of Ritual Boundaries: Explorations in Interrituality (Palgrave, 2019).
- "Imagining 'Religion' in Antiquity: A How To," in Nickolas Roubekas, ed., Theorizing 'Religion' in Antiquity (Equinox, 2019).
- “The Material Turn in the Academic Study of Religions," Journal of Religion 99:2 (April 2019): 219-27.
- "What Does the Study of Religion Study?," Harvard Theological Review 111:3 (June 2018): 451-458.
- "A Better Methodological Naturalism," in Jason Blum, ed., The Question of Methodological Naturalism (Brill, 2018).
- "Interpretation in the Academic Study of Religion" and "A Reply to Critics," in Brad Stoddard, ed., Method Today: Redescribing Approaches to the Study of Religion (Equinox, 2018).
- "Mathematics and the Definitions of Religion," International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81:4 (April 2018): 145-160.
- "A Realist Social Ontology of Religion," Religion 47:2 (March 2017): 161-178.
Publications engaging Dr. Schilbrack's scholarship
- Richard Miller, The End and Future of Religious Studies, ch. 8: "Philosophy, Normativity, and the Metacriticism of Kevin Schilbrack" (forthcoming).
- Jan-Olav Henriksen, Representation and Ultimacy (Lit Verlag, 2020), ch: 1: "What is Religion?"
- Jayne Svenungsson, "The Return of Religion or the End of Religion?," Philosophy and Social Criticism 46:7 (September 2020): 785-809.
- Mikel Burley, A Radical Pluralist Philosophy of Religion, ch. 2: "Radical Plurality and Critical Description" (Bloomsbury, 2020).
- Jan-Olav Henriksen, Christianity as Distinct Practices (Bloomsbury, 2019), ch: 4: "How Focus on Practices May Reshape Philosophy of Religion."
- Russell McCutcheon, Fabricating Religion, ch. 6: "Of Concepts and Entities: Varieties of Critical Scholarship" (de Gruyter, 2018).
- Craig Martin, “The Neo-Perennialists,” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 29:4 (2017): 313-326.
- Andrea Sauchelli, “The Definition of Religion, Super-empirical Realities, and Mathematics,” Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 58:1 (2016): 67–75.
- Stephen Dawson, “Multidisciplinary, Comparative, and Interactive: Toward a Global Philosophy of Religion,” Religious Studies Review 42:3 (2016).
- Curtis Hutt, “Catherine Bell and her Davidsonian Critics,” Journal of Ritual Studies 23:2 (2009): 69-76.