Dr Michael Eng


The Scene of the Voice: Thinking Language After Affect (SUNY Press, Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy, forthcoming)


Co-author with Dan Bucsescu of Looking Beyond the Structure: Critical Thinking for Designers and Architects (New York: Fairchild Books, 2009)

Selected Journal Articles

“Diversity Work and the Narcissisms of Affective Exits.” Feminist Formations 31.1 (Spring 2019). Special Issue on Critical Feminist Exits, Re-Routings, and Institutional Betrayals in Academia.

“Lights! Race! Gender! Adrian Piper and the Pseudorationality of Data.” Feminist Media Histories 3.3. Special Issue: Data. (Summer 2017).

“The Sonic Turn and Theory’s Affective Call.” parallax. Special Issue: Sounding/Thinking. 23.3 (July 2017).

“Deterritorialising Transversality: The Antagonism of the Object between Deleuze and Guattari.” parallax. Special Issue: Philosophy without an Object. 21.4 (2015).

“Art and the Heideggerian Repression: Rancière, Nancy, and a Communism of the Image.” Comparative and Continental Philosophy 5.1 (Spring 2013).

“From an Aesthetics of the Real to the Reality of the Aesthetic: Rancière, Sick, and the Politics of Sound Art.” Leonardo Music Journal 23 (2013). Special Issue on Sound Art. [reprinted in Haroon Mirza (Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), Dublin, Ireland, 2014)]

“Institutional Schizophasia and the Possibility of the Humanities’ ‘Other Scene’: Guattari and the Exigency of Transversality.” Deleuze Studies 6.2 (2012): 180–204. Special Issue on Félix Guattari in the Age of Semiocapitalism.

Selected Essays in Collections

“Genealogy,” Keyword for Rethinking Women’s and Gender Studies—Volume II, ed. Catherine M. Orr and Ann Braithwaite (Routledge/Taylor and Francis, forthcoming 2022)

“Philosophy’s Mother Envy: Theory, Affect, and the Possibility of Deconstructing the Mother Tongue,” in Untying the Mother Tongue, ed. Federico Dal Bo and Antonio Castore (Berlin: ICI Berlin, 2022)

“Theory’s Affective Scene: Or, What to Do with Affect after Language,” in Public Spheres of Resonance: Constellations of Affect and Language, ed. Anne Fleig and Christian von Scheve (Routledge, forthcoming 2019)

“Teaching The Matrix and Unlearning the Racial Organization of Knowledge,” in Race, Philosophy, and Film, ed. Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo and Dan Flory (New York: Routledge, 2013).

“Reforming Vengeance: Kung Fu and the Racial Melancholia of Chinese Masculinity,” The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas, ed. Carlos Rojas and Eileen Cheng-yin Chow (Oxford University Press, 2013)

“The Metaphysical Mouth: Charles Bernstein and Contemporary Continental Philosophy of Language,” in The Salt Companion to Charles Bernstein, edited by William Allegrezza (London: Salt Publications, 2012), 35-54.

“‘Every name in history is I’: Bachmann’s Anti-Archive,” in If We Had the Word: Ingeborg Bachmann, Views and Reviews, ed. Gisela Brinker-Gabler, (Ariadne Press, 2004)

Numéro un et Numéro deux: It was Outside, the Rejection of the Image,” in I said I love. That is the promise: The tvideo politics of Jean-Luc Godard, Gareth James & Florian Zeyfang, eds. øjeblikket/b_books: Critical Readers in Visual Cultures #4 (Berlin: b_books, 2003)